How Your Smartphone is the New Target for Hackers

There is a vast amount of private information ready to be hacked into, especially with half the world's population using mobile phones nowadays. The increasing importance of mobile phones in our everyday lives and routines makes them prime targets in the ongoing cyber battle.


There is a vast amount of private information ready to be hacked into, especially with half the world's population using mobile phones nowadays. Examples of such information include financial data, communications, medical information, online profiles, and online purchases. The increasing importance of mobile phones in our everyday lives and routines makes them prime targets in the ongoing cyber battle.

Nonetheless, the vast majority of people (including many high-ranking CEOs) still don't take even the most fundamental security measures to protect their smartphones. Costs associated with hacking and breaches in mobile apps are expected to rise to $1.5 billion by 2022, according to a report on mobile security published by Intertrust in 2016. Yet, mobile device security is typically given less priority than that of our home networks or even our laptops.

Reasons Why Hackers Target Smartphones

Gather Information 

Hackers who take over your device can listen in on you by activating your microphone and camera. If a CEO is negotiating a major contract over their mobile phone, a hacker who gains access to the device can eavesdrop on every word. The last thing that influential people need is for someone to track every step that they take through their mobile devices.

When a hacker gains access to a device, they gain access to all of the information stored on it, including the user's contacts and calendar. If you are a person who holds power, the data gleaned from their snooping can be extremely useful to a rival business or even a foreign government.

Steal User Credentials

It is common knowledge among cybercriminals that victims reuse passwords across all of their mobile devices and apps. If an attacker cracks the password on a mobile device, they can easily spread their malware to the user's computer and, eventually, the company's network. Mobile devices provide hackers with access to a wide variety of sensitive data and resources.

Credential and password theft is rampant since so many people now check their email on their phones. Mobile users are more susceptible than computer users since they have smaller screens and are more likely to be distracted by other tasks.

Obtain Corporate Data

Roughly half of all cyberattacks on small businesses aim to steal sensitive information, such as financial records and personal details, from the company or its customers. The mobile device of an employee, using it to check work email or access company files, can be an easy target for a hacker. Hackers can easily obtain sensitive information from mobile devices because all emails and attachments are stored in a single location.

Distribute Malware

When the WannaCry ransomware assault of 2017 occurred, the victims were informed that their systems had been encrypted, and they were instructed to transfer payment in Bitcoin to unlock it.

WannaCry's authors zeroed in on android devices in particular. They broke into a wireless network, looked through all the android gadgets connected to it, and identified the ones that could have been infected with ransomware. Once one phone was infected, all it took was for the user to return to the workplace and log into the corporate network to lock down the entire firm and demand a ransom.

Steps to Make Your Smartphone Secure

Always Download Apps from Trusted Sources

Avoid downloading software from unfamiliar sites, especially free versions of paid software. Never download an app from anywhere other than the official App Store, Google Play, or other sources. Many people fall victim to the temptation to download any number of seemingly useful apps, but beware because hackers exploit them to obtain access to your mobile device. When installing apps, think carefully about the permissions you provide them.

Set Strong Passwords

First and foremost, you should use a password to protect your mobile device. Your phone's main password should be different from the passwords that you use to access individual apps, and each app's password should be different from the others.

Always opt for two-factor authentication if it's an option. You must first provide a password. The app will then email or text you a code to enter into the app. It is necessary to enter that code in order to proceed through the two verification procedures. With this extra barrier to access, hacking attempts become significantly harder.

Use a Mobile Device Security App

Mobile phones, like other Internet-connected devices, must have antivirus protection. There is no shortage of mobile security apps and software on the market today. You just need to find the one that fits your specific security needs and install it.

Your phone's antivirus software does periodic checks to ensure that it is virus-free and secure. On the other hand, there are more in-depth scans that take more time, and it's recommended that you run these so as to ensure that your phone is always fully secured.

Open WiFi Without VPN Is a Strict No

Since mobile devices are easily accessible to anyone on a public or open WiFi network, they are at a greater risk of being compromised. When you're not in a safe location to utilise your WiFi connection, or when you simply don't feel like setting up a hotspot, use your data plan to get online.

If you must use an unsecured connection, a virtual private network (VPN) can be installed on your mobile device. This will prevent hackers from accessing your phone while it is connected to public WiFi.

To put it another way, your smartphone is like your wallet in that it contains sensitive data about you and your life. A hacker can gain access to confidential data stored on your mobile device, just as a thief can steal money from your wallet.

It's not easy for anyone to get back on their feet after being hacked. While hackers have always been able to compromise a computer, your phone has become a more tempting target. You can keep harm at bay by keeping an eye out for potential dangers and taking steps to counteract them.

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